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5 Reasons Why You Should Consider RLE

November 1, 2023

Do you have severe issues with your vision, such as being significantly farsighted or nearsighted? Are you not a good candidate for other laser vision correction procedures?

If so, RLE, or reflective lens exchange, could be the right option for you. RLE, also known as custom lens replacement, can give you the improved vision you want to have more freedom and a better quality of life.

But what is refractive lens exchange, and what are the benefits of correcting your vision with this procedure? Keep reading to learn more about refractive lens exchange and 5 reasons why you should consider RLE!

What Is Refractive Lens Exchange?

Reflective lens exchange is a vision correction procedure that replaces the eye's natural lens with an artificial one, called an intraocular lens (IOL). The intraocular lens is a small synthetically created lens that functions very similarly to the natural lens in your eye.

The purpose of the lens is to bend light rays to ensure you see correctly. If your natural lens doesn't work properly or is an irregular shape due to a refractive error like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, an IOL can restore your vision and normal function.

Refractive lens exchange is a procedure that's virtually identical to cataract surgery. However, the underlying reasons for undergoing refractive lens exchange are different.

With cataract surgery, the natural lens is cloudy due to a cataract, but with refractive lens exchange, your natural lens is likely still clear.

Now that you know more about refractive lens exchange, let's talk about 5 reasons why refractive lens exchange is worth considering.

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Reason 1: Quick Recovery

With refractive lens exchange, the procedure is fast and efficient because it only takes around 15-30 minutes to complete. After it's over, a member of our staff will monitor you to ensure everything goes well.

You will need someone to drive you home, as blurry vision is normal at first. Your vision may be unstable but should stabilize in the days following your procedure.

However, it only takes a few days to recover fully. In very little time, you'll return to your normal daily activities, but now, you'll be able to see much more clearly.

Because refractive lens exchange is easy to undergo, there's minimal impact on your everyday life while recovering. However, the results after RLE are significant, as you'll be able to see better than ever before. 

Reason 2: Improved Quality Of Life

When you have severe nearsightedness or farsightedness, these refractive errors can make it challenging to complete many daily tasks.

Even with glasses, you might not be able to see clearly. If you have other problems like astigmatism and presbyopia, it can also be very challenging to correct your vision when you only rely on glasses to do so.

You may find that with presbyopia, you need to hold things further away from your face to see them, or resort to reading glasses when you want to see your phone, read a book, or see a menu.

Contact lenses may not help enough if you have a strong prescription. You may be forced to depend on glasses with thick and unattractive frames.

But when you choose a procedure like refractive lens exchange, you can correct refractive errors and presbyopia at the same time. You'll find it much easier to read, drive, and live your everyday life.

After refractive lens exchange, you can stop depending on reading glasses and, instead, enjoy a world without visual aids standing in your way.

Ready for Refractive Lens Exchange?

Find out if you’re a candidate.

Take the RLE Self-Test

Reason 3: Reduce Dependency On Glasses

Although glasses are a great way to see the world around you, you may not want to depend on them forever. Some people find them uncomfortable, and if you have more severe vision loss, you may need to wear much thicker lenses that are more noticeable.

Most patients who have refractive lens exchange no longer need to wear glasses after the procedure. Those who still need glasses after correcting their vision with RLE no longer need to rely as heavily on them.

If you want to reduce your dependence on glasses, refractive lens exchange could help you achieve this goal.

Reason 4: Remove Chance Of Cataracts In The Future

Refractive lens exchange involves removing your natural lens and replacing it with an intraocular lens, making it almost identical to undergoing cataract surgery. However, by getting refractive lens exchange, you won't need cataract surgery in the future.

Cataracts often develop in old age and occur when the natural lens becomes cloudy. When you have an IOL implanted in your eye, it prevents you from developing cataracts.

IOLs cannot become cloudy, meaning you cannot develop cataracts on them. Thanks to refractive lens exchange, you can look forward to many years of crisp, pristine vision.

Reason 5: High Patient Satisfaction

Most patients report being extremely happy with the results of reflective lens exchange. This procedure has a 95% patient satisfaction rate.

If you're considering RLE to correct your refractive errors and improve your vision, there's an excellent chance you'll be happy with your results.

Am I a Candidate For Refractive Lens Exchange?

If you have refractive errors, you may be a good candidate for refractive lens exchange. If the following applies to you, consider scheduling your consultation at Whitten Laser Eye to learn more about refractive lens exchange:

  • Issues with nighttime driving
  • Struggling with reading or seeing any items up close
  • Regular changes to your prescription
  • Severe farsightedness or nearsightedness
  • Early diagnosis of cataracts

Note that some medical conditions can prevent you from getting refractive lens exchange. For your safety, you may not be a suitable candidate if you have a cornea disease, macular degeneration, diabetes-related retinopathy, or uveitis.

Set Up A Consultation Today

The best way to know if you're a candidate for reflective lens exchange is to set up a consultation with an experienced, board-certified ophthalmologist. Dr. Whitten will happily assess your eye and vision needs to see if you're a good candidate for refractive lens exchange. Schedule your appointment at Whitten Laser Eye in Charlotte Hall and Chevy Chase, MD, and Richmond, VA, today!