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Dos and Dont’s After LASIK

October 7, 2024

Are you tired of glasses and contact lenses? Are you considering a procedure like LASIK?

When you improve your vision with LASIK, you'll be amazed by how quickly you'll see the results. Many people report noticeably improved vision almost instantly, if not within 24 hours of the procedure.

However, it's important to remember that LASIK is still a surgical procedure, meaning there are certain things you should follow for a successful recovery. Keep reading to learn about the dos and dont’s after LASIK to have the best vision!

Do: Closely Follow Your LASIK Surgeon's Instructions

Your LASIK surgeon at Whitten Laser Eye will provide detailed instructions for post-surgical care. You should closely follow these instructions to prevent complications.

These instructions include using medicated eye drops and a schedule of follow-up appointments. Diligently using antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eyedrops as directed reduces your risk of infection and the chance of inflammation.

Only discontinue using any prescribed medication once your surgeon clears you. Follow-up appointments allow your surgeon to monitor your recovery closely.

Most follow-up appointments are the day after LASIK, a month after the procedure, six months after the procedure, and anything after, which will vary depending on what they recommend.

Don't: Rub or Touch Your Eyes

During LASIK, your surgeon uses a laser to create a flap on the surface of your cornea. After LASIK, the flap can take several weeks to heal fully.

Throughout that healing period, rubbing or touching your eyes can dislodge the flap, causing flap displacement or introducing bacteria, increasing the risk of infection.

While your eyes may feel dry or irritated, it's important not to rub or touch them, especially during the first week after the procedure. Instead, soothe your eyes with surgeon-recommended lubricating eye drops.

Do: Rest Your Eyes

Plan to give your eyes time to rest after LASIK. It is advisable to take a long nap right after you return home from your vision correction procedure.

You should also take a break from your electronic devices, avoid reading print materials, and limit TV watching for at least 24-48 hours after LASIK. These activities can cause eye strain and make your eyes feel dry.

Resting your eyes helps them heal and speeds up your recovery. While you may be excited about your newly improved vision, taking it easy for a few days is essential. Even taking a nap for a few hours after LASIK can make a significant difference and help you get the most out of your improved vision!

Don't: Expose Your Eyes to Irritants

After the procedure, you will receive eye shields to wear to protect your eyes from accidentally rubbing or irritating them. Airborne irritants, like smoke and dust, can increase your risk of infection if they get into your eyes.

It's best to avoid smoky or dusty environments as much as possible, especially during the first-week post-surgery. If you smoke, you should try to abstain during your recovery period.

Continue to protect your eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses. Your sunglasses should block 100% of UVA and UVB light when you are outdoors.

Do: Use Lubricating Eyedrops

Dry eyes are a common side effect of LASIK. Experiencing dry eye can be uncomfortable, but it's usually temporary and goes away on its own after LASIK.

Lubricating eyedrops help keep your eyes moist and comfortable and promote healing. You should use them as directed, even when your eyes do not feel dry.

Untreated dry eye can lead to other problems, like blurry vision and light sensitivity. It can also affect the ultimate results of LASIK.

Do you want clearer vision?

Take the LASIK Self-Test!

Don’t: Let Water Get in Your Eyes

After LASIK, you can't get any water in your eyes, including tap water. Water from your tap can contain harmful bacteria and harsh chemicals that can cause infection and irritation.

If you accidentally get water in your eye, don't panic. You can treat the eye by rinsing it with saline solution or distilled water and then using lubricating eye drops to prevent dryness.

Also, avoid pools and hot tubs for at least a month after LASIK. It's best to wait until your LASIK surgeon gives you the go-ahead to resume swimming in a chlorinated pool.

Do: Stay Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated can help keep your eyes comfortable and promote healing. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes moist.

You should limit your consumption of beverages that can cause dehydration, like coffee and alcohol. The dehydrating effects of caffeine and alcohol can leave your eyes painfully dry.

Don’t: Engage in Strenuous Activities Too Soon

Physical strain, especially activities that increase pressure in the eyes, can affect the healing of the corneal flap. Once your surgeon has cleared you, you should only engage in exercises like running, weightlifting, and non-strenuous sports.

Protect your eyes with polycarbonate sports glasses when you can play sports again. Accidental contact with your eyes while they are healing can compromise the outcome of LASIK.

Do: Enjoy Your Clear Vision!

Once your eyes have fully healed after LASIK, all that's left to do is enjoy having visual freedom! LASIK results in 20/20 vision or better for most patients, meaning you can finally see clearly without relying on visual aids.

Your effort to ensure your eyes fully recover from LASIK is well worth it. You can expect optimal results from your LASIK surgery when you follow these basic dos and dont’s.

Are you ready to achieve your best vision? It's time to schedule a LASIK consultation at Whitten Laser Eye for LASIK in Richmond, VA! Haven't you waited long enough for the vision of your dreams?